441 Tax Exempt Code

Code identifying exemption status from sales and use tax.

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 1
0Exempt (For Export)
1Yes (Tax Exempt)
2No (Not Tax Exempt)
3Exempt (For Resale)
4Not Exempt/For Resale
5Exempt (Not For Resale)
6Not Exempt, Not For Resale
7Direct Pay ID
8Exempt (Sale to U.S. Govt)
9Exempt (Per State Law)
ALabor Taxable, Material Exempt
BMaterial Taxable, Labor Exempt
CNot Taxable
EExempt Toll Service
Indicates that telecommunications services provided outside the serving area are exempt from specific taxes
LExempt Local Service
Indicates that telecommunications services provided within the serving area are exempt from specific taxes
RRecurring Exempt
Indicates that recurring charges related to providing a service are exempt from a specific tax
UUsage Exempt
Indicates that charges incurred, based on the usage of a service, are exempt from a specific tax

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