673 Quantity Qualifier

Code specifying the type of quantity.

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
01Discrete Quantity
1AOriginal Duration (in calendar units)
The initial planned amount of time needed to complete a task or activity
1BCurrent Duration (in calendar units)
The current amount of time needed to complete a task or activity
1CRemaining Duration (in calendar units)
The remaining amount of time needed to complete a task or activity
1DTotal Float (in calendar units)
The amount of time a task or activity can be delayed or expanded before it impacts the project end date
1EFree Float (in calendar units)
The amount of time a task or activity can be delayed or expanded without impacting on a subsequent task or activity
1FLag (as in Lag Time - in calendar units)
The amount of time delay
1GLead Time (in calendar units)
The amount of intial lead time
The amount started
The amount finished
The amount due to the customer
1KTime Units
The number of time units such as 8 (hours)
The number of shifts for a calendar such as 3 per day
1MTime units per shift
The number of time units per shift - such as 8 (hours)
1NScrap allowed
Amount of scrap allowed during production
1OCalendar Units
The number of calendar units such as 1 per day or 1 per week
1PResource (Quantity) available
Resource amount such as labor hours or material dollars available for a task or activity
1QTotal Resource (Quantity)
Total amount of the resources available for the total duration of the task or activity
1RLevel Resource (Quantity)
The amount of resources available for each time unit for the duration of the task or activity
The amount that is late
1TNumber of Delinquent Installments
1UNumber of Loans
1VTotal Number of Mortgagees
1WTotal Number of Loan Detail Records
1XPrescription Effective Period
Length of time that the prescription is effective.
02Cumulative Quantity
03Discreet Quantity - Rejected Material
04Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Replacement
05Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Credit
06Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Pending
07Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material
08Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Replacement
09Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Credit
10Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Pending
11Split Quantity
12Ship Notice Quantity
13Collateral Requirements
14Quantity in Float
15Quantity in Hold Out
16Line Thread Quantity
17Quantity on Hand
18Previous Week Quantity
19Unverified Receipts
20Unusable Quantity
21Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short- Disposition Pending
22Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short- Disposition Challenged
23Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long- Disposition Pending
24Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long- Disposition Challenged
25OEM Inventory
26Total Inventory
27Committed Quantity
28Quantity Available for Return
29Projected Available Inventory
30Quote Quantity on Inventory
31Additional Demand Quantity
32Quantity Sold
33Quantity Available for Sale (stock quantity)
34Noncommitted Inventory on Shelf
35Inventory on Shelf + Work in Progress
36Distributor Inventory
37Work In Process
38Original Quantity
39Shipped Quantity
40Remaining Quantity
41Number of Batches
42Number of Checks
45Cumulative quantity on order
46Total transactions
47Primary Net Quantity
48Secondary Net Quantity
49Number of Signed Bills of Lading
50Number of Copies of Bill of Lading
51Number of Unsigned Bills of Lading
52Number of Originals
53Original payment item count.
54Bank reject item count.
55Net to pay item count.
56Minimum Contract Quantity
57Minimum Order Quantity
58Payment Cancellation Item Count
60Total Authorized Quantity
61Remaining Authorized Quantity
62Number of Days Covered by Inventory
63On Order Quantity
64Past Due Quantity
65Previous Month's Usage
66Minimum Fabrication Quantity
67Minimum Ship Quantity
68Maximum Number of Shipments Allowed
69Incremental Order Quantity
70Maximum Order Quantity
72Minimum Stock Level
73Maximum Stock Level
74Damaged Goods
77Stock Transfers In
78Stock Transfers Out
79Billing Unit(s) Per Pricing Unit
80Pricing Unit(s) Per Billing Unit
81Prepaid Quantity Shipped
82Prepaid Quantity Not Shipped
83Submitted Quantity Sold
84Submitted Quantity Returned
85Lot Size
86Nonconformance Quantity
87Quantity Received
89Operating Beds
90Acknowledged Quantity
Network Recognition for message receipt
91Additional Usage Quantity
The amount of usage incurred above the alloted or allowable use for a service
92Allotted Usage Quantity
The amount of allowable usage related to a service
93Attendant-Handled Quantity
Manual Recognition for message receipt
94Billable Quantity
Number of billable units used
95Data Storage Quantity
Number of storage units used
96Non-Billable Quantity
Number of non-billable units
97Non-Urgent Delivery Quantity
Number of units delivered in non-urgent status
98Overflow Quantity
Number of overflow messages, (Busy condition count for 800 service)
99Quantity Used
Quantity of units used
A1Acceptable Unserviceable Quantity
Indicates what portion of the total requested quantity may be accepted in an unserviceable condition
A2Optimistic Duration
Best case amount of the time needed to complete a task or activity
A3Most Likely Duration
Most likely amount of time needed to complete a task or activity
A4Pessimistic Duration
Worst case amount of time needed to complete a task or activity
A5Adjusted Quantity
AAUnacknowledged Quantity
Message received without network, or attendant recognition
ABUrgent Delivery Quantity
Number of units delivered in urgent status
ACVoice Storage Quantity
Number of voice storage units used
ADMaintenance Units
Number of units of maintenance provided
AEMinimum Average Time Requirement (MATR) Units
Number of units calculated at a minimum usage rating basis, such as X minutes per message
AFWide Area Telephone Service (WATS)/800 Service Units
Number of units of usage, for WATS or 800 service
AGNumber of End Users
Number of participating users
AHNumber of Message Recipients
Number of recipients
AINumber of Operator Credits
Number of operator credits given
AJDaily Adjustments
AOVerified Receipts
APOrder Quantity Multiple
Product must be ordered in multiples of a number
AQContribution Total
ARLoan Repayment Total
ASParticipant Total
AUCumulative Actual
AWCumulative Budget
AXNumber of Insured Lives
AZForecast at Complete
An anticipated receipt quantity
BCBudget At Complete
BFAge Modifying Units
Anesthesia modifying units requested for anesthesia complicated by extreme age of patient, under one year or over seventy years
BIBook Inventory
BQBackorder Quantity
BRBlood Record
CACovered - Actual
Days covered on this service
CBClosing Statement Balance
CDCo-insured - Actual
CECovered - Estimated
Estimated days covered on this service
CFCo-insured - Estimated
CGCumulative Gas Volume
Oil and gas production volume from well completion to current reporting period
CHCumulative Effect of Prior Period Adjustment
CICumulative Gas Injection Volume
Amount of gas injected into an oil well since well completion to displace liquid volumes in the reservoir and stimulate production
CLCumulative Liquid Injection Volume
Amount of liquid injected into a gas well since well completion to displace gas volumes in the reservoir and stimulate production
COCumulative Oil/Condensate Volume
Volume of crude oil and natural gas condensate produced from a well or property since well completion
CPCurrent Period Imbalance
CRCertified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Number of Concurrent Procedures
CSCurrent Service Life
CWCumulative Water Volume
Volumes of water and brine produced from a well or property since well completion
D3Number of Co-insurance Days
DBDeductible Blood Units
Amount of blood units not reimbursed due to plan deductible limits
DODays Operated
Number of days a well or well equipment is in use
DPDays Produced
Number of days a well actively produced oil or gas since well completion or during a specific month
DRDirect Workers
DTDependent Total
E1Course Segments
The number of CRS segments in the original transaction set being referenced
E2Degree Segments
The number of DEG segments in the original transaction set being referenced
ECUse of Extracorporeal Circulation
Anesthesia modifying unit requested for anesthesia complicated by extra-corporeal circulation heart pump oxygenator bypass or pump assist which is not a usual part of the surgical procedure
EMEmergency Modifying Units
Anesthesia modifying units requested for anesthesia complicated by emergency conditions; an emergency is defined as existing when delay in treatment of the patient would lead to a significant threat to life or body part
EPProduct Exchange Amount
ETEmployee Total
FBFurnished Blood Units
FCFuel Consumed or Burned Amount
FTForecast to Complete
GIGas Injection Volume
Volume of gas injected into an oil well to displace liquid volumes in the reservoir and stimulate production on a monthly basis
GLGas Lift Volume
Volume of excess gas produced from the well and reinjected to lift liquids such as oil and condensate from the well bore
GTGrade Transfer Amount
GVGas Volume
Reported volume of natural gas
HMUse of Hypothermia
Anesthesia modifying units requested for anesthesia complicated by total body hypothermia
HOUse of Hypotension
Anesthesia modifying units requested for anesthesia complicated by utilization of controlled hypotension
HPUse of Hyperbaric Pressurization
Anesthesia modifying units requested for anesthesia complicated by use of hyperbaric pressure
HRUse of Hypertension
IINumber of Irregular Interest Payments
INIndirect Workers
IPNumber of Interest Payments
IQIn-Transit Quantity
ITIntertank Transfer Amount
The quantity shown is an estimated quantity
KBNet Quantity Increase
The resultant quantity represents a net increase to a previously transmitted quantity, after adjustments have been made
KCNet Quantity Decrease
The resultant quantity represents a net decrease to a previously transmitted quantity, after adjustments have been made
KDExpenditure Quantity
LALife-time Reserve - Actual
Medicare hospital insurance includes extra hospital days to be used if the patient has a long illness and is required to stay in the hospital over a specified number of days; this is the actual number of days in reserve
LBLoss Allowance
LELife-time Reserve - Estimated
Medicare hospital insurance includes extra hospital days to be used if the patient has a long illness and is required to stay in the hospital over a specified number of days; this is an estimate of the number of days in reserve
LGLoss or Gain
LILiquid Injection Volume
Volume of liquids injected into a gas well to displace gas volumes in the reservoir and stimulate production on a monthly basis
LPLease Periods
LTTariff Loss Allowance
LVOil/Condensate Volume
Volumes of crude oil and natural gas condensate produced from a well or property for a specific month
MAMiscellaneous Allowance
MQMaximum Ship Quantity
NANumber of Non-covered Days
NCNumber of Claimants
NENon-Covered - Estimated
NNNumber of Hospitals
NONumber of Physicians
NPNumber of Members
NQNumber of Franchisees
NRNot Replaced Blood Units
NSNumber of Stations
Number of stations, or terminating points, which are in use, deleted, added, etc. for service delivery; ports or lines on a computer, for example
OIOpening Statement Balance
OTNumber of Operating Periods at Failure
A measurement of the elapsed time or usage before equipment failure occurred
P3Physical Status III
Anesthesia modifying units requested for Physical Status III patient, as defined by the Amercian Society of Anesthesiologists
P4Physical Status IV
Anesthesia modifying units requested for Physical Status IV patient, as defined by the American Society of Anesthesiologists
P5Physical Status V
Anesthesia modifying unist requested for Physical Status V, as defined by the American Society of Anesthesiologists
P6Number of Services or Procedures
PAPipeline Adjustment or Allowance
PBPressure Base
PCPrior Cumulative Imbalance
POPercentage of Ordered Quantity
Owners of fabric that have third parties finish their fabric must have a way to convey on the purchase order the quantities of various levels of quality acceptable; i.e. 80% first, 10% second, 8% off quality, 2% unmerchantable
PPPurchase of Product
PQCumulative Quantity Required Prior to the First Scheduled Period
PRRequirement Quantity that was Previously Released
PXPrior Units Accepted
QAQuantity Approved
Quantity allowed by the company processing the claim
QBQuantity Dispensed
Number of refills given
QCQuantity Disapproved
QDQuantity Delivered
QEQuantity Deferred
Quantity required for orders, but not reserved
QFHigh Fabrication Authorization Quantity
The highest quantity of material authorized for production
QHQuantity on Hold
Product which cannot be shipped at the present time for any reason, exclusive of damaged quantity
QPQuantity by Position
QRHigh Raw Material Authorization Quantity
The highest quantity of raw material or purchased components in their original state authorized to be secured for production
QSQuantity Per Skid
QUQuantity Serviced
RARefills Authorized
Number of times a drug prescription my be refilled
RBReplaced Blood Units
Anesthesia modifying units requested for the insertion of a Swan-Ganz catheter attendent to the administration of anesthesia
SPDays Supply
Estimate of the number of days the supply will last
SQProduct Sales Amount
TATank Allowance
TCTotal at Complete
TDTotal to Date
TENumber of Theatres
Number of trips in the ambulance
V1Retention Quantity
V2Available Quantity
V3Transfer Quantity
VAVolume Shrinkage Adjustment or Allowance
WVWater Volume
Volume of water produced with the oil or gas
XATotal of Issuable Assets
XBTotal System Backorder Quantity, High Priority
XCTotal Service Backorder Quantity, High Priority
XDTotal System Backorder Quantity, Low Priority
XETotal Service Backorder Quantity, Low Priority
XGOn Hand and Due-In
The total quantity on hand and on order
XJOther War Reserve Material Requirements Protectable (OWRMRP) Quantity
Total of all War Reserve material to be protected
XTProtected Quantity
XVRequisitioning Objective
XXAuthorized Retention Level
XYSafety Level
XZBackorder Lines
Total Number of transactions held in backorder status
YATotal Demand Quantity
Sum total of all demands
YBTotal Demand Orders
Total number of demand transactions reflected in total demand quantity
YCFirst Quarter Recurring Demand
Total quantity of recurring demands received in first past quarter
YDFirst Quarter Recurrring Orders
Total number of recurring demand transactions received in first past quarter
YEFirst Quarter Non-recurring Demand
Total quantity of non-recurring demands received in first past quarter
YFFirst Quarter Non-recurring Orders
Total number of non-recurring demand transactions received in first past quarter
YGSecond Quarter Recurring Demand
Total quantity of recurring demands received in second past quarter
YHSecond Quarter Recurring Orders
Total number of recurring demand transactions received in second past quarter
YJSecond Quarter Non-recurring Demand
Total quantity of non-recurring demands received in second past quarter
YKSecond Quarter Non-recurring Orders
Total number of non-recurring demand transactions received in second past quarter
YLThird Quarter Recurring Demand
Total quantity of recurring demands received in third past quarter
YMThird Quarter Recurring Orders
Total number of recurring demand transactions received in third past quarter
YNThird Quarter Non-recurring Demand
Total quantity of non-recurring demands received in third past quarter
YPThird Quarter Non-recurring Orders
Total number of non-recurring demand transactions received in third past quarter
YQFourth Quarter Recurring Demand
Total quantity of recurring demands received in fourth past quarter
YRFourth Quarter Recurring Orders
Total number of recurring demand transactions received in fourth past quarter
YSFourth Quarter Non-recurring Demand
Total quantity of non-recurring demands received in fourth past quarter
YTFourth Quarter Non-recurring Orders
Total number of non-recurring demand transactions received in fourth past quarter
YWReorder Point Quantity
Quantity at which a reorder should take place
YXContract Line Item Quantity
The quantity of material cited under a specific contract line item
Z1Units Worked Last Day
Z2Units Worked per Week
Z3Units Worked per Quarter
Z4Number Weeks Paid
Z6Unused Accumulated Sick Days
ZAFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 1
ZBFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 2
ZCFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 3
ZDFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 4
ZEFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 5
ZFFederal Pension Mandate - Category 1
ZGFederal Pension Mandate - Category 2
ZHFederal Pension Mandate - Category 3
ZIHolding Period
The length of time material can be held while awaiting processing
ZJFederal Pension Mandate - Category 5
ZKFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 1
ZLFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 2
ZMFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 3
ZNFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 4
ZOFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 5
ZPFederal Pension Mandate - Category 4

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